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Content Writing Packages 

Features Basic Package

Rs 1,999/- 


Standard Package

Rs 2,999/-


Professional Package

Rs 6,999/-


SEO Blog Writing (500 Words)
SEO Blog Writing (1000 Words)
Article Writing (500 Words)
Article Writing (1000 Words)
Product Descriptions (Up to 100 Words)
Product Descriptions (Up to 200 Words)
Website Content Writing (Up to 5 Pages)
Website Content Writing (Up to 10 Pages)
Landing Page Writing
Meta Titles & Descriptions
Press Release Writing
Whitepaper Writing (5-10 Pages)
Case Study Writing (2-4 Pages)
Technical Content Writing
Email Newsletter Writing
Social Media Content Writing
Content Strategy & Planning
Proofreading & Editing
Keyword Optimization
Content Revisions (Up to 2)
Content Revisions (Unlimited)
Monthly Content Calendar
Content Performance Tracking
Customer Support (Email & Chat)
Priority Support


Website Content Writing

Website Content Writing is a crucial aspect of any online presence, as it shapes how visitors perceive a brand and helps convert them into customers. This type of writing focuses on clear, engaging, and SEO-friendly content tailored to a website’s structure and audience.

Key Elements of Website Content Writing

 1.Homepage Content

  • Purpose: The homepage is often the first impression visitors get of your business. It should communicate the brand’s core values, services, and unique selling proposition (USP).
  • Style: Concise, engaging, and direct.
  • Word Count: Typically between 200 to 500 words.

Best Practices:

  • Use compelling headlines and subheadings.
  • Highlight the main benefits of the brand.
  • Include a clear call to action (CTA).

  2. About Us Page

  • Purpose : To tell your story, explain your mission, and build trust with visitors. It’s where you connect on a more personal level.
  • Style: Narrative-driven, with a human touch.
  • Word Count: Usually 300 to 800 words.

Best Practices:

  • Share your brand’s history, mission, and values.
  • Introduce the team or founders.
  • Highlight achievements or milestones.

 3. Service/Product Pages

  • Purpose : Detail the specific services or products you offer. The content should persuade and inform potential customers of the benefits and features.
  • Style : Informative, benefit-focused, and action-oriented.
  • Word Count : Varies depending on the complexity of the service or product, typically 300 to 600 words per page.

Best Practices :

  • Focus on the value proposition.
  • Break down features and benefits.
  • Include a clear CTA (e.g., “Buy Now,” “Contact Us”).
  • Use bullet points for easy scanning.

4. Landing Pages

  • Purpose : These are highly targeted pages created for specific campaigns or products/services. They focus on driving conversions, such as sign-ups, purchases, or inquiries.
  • Style : Persuasive, action-driven, and concise.
  • Word Count : Typically 200 to 500 words.

Best Practices :

  • Focus on one goal (e.g., sign-up, download, or purchase).
  • Use strong headlines, subheads, and a CTA.
  • Incorporate testimonials or social proof if applicable

5. Contact Page

  • Purpose : Encourages visitors to reach out, providing all necessary contact details in an accessible format. 
  • Style : Simple and direct.
  • Word Count : Typically under 200 words.

 Best Practices :

  • Ensure all contact information is clear and accurate.
  • Include a CTA encouraging visitors to get in touch.
  • Add a contact form, phone number, email, or map (for physical locations).

6. FAQs Page

  • Purpose : Answer common questions your customers might have about your services or products. It’s a way to provide quick solutions and build trust.
  • Style : Informative, concise, and structured in a question-answer format.
  • Word Count : Varies, usually 500 to 1,000 words

Best Practices :

  • Organize questions into categories.
  • Use simple language for clear understanding.
  • Update frequently based on customer feedback

7. Blog Section

  • Purpose : A regularly updated blog enhances SEO by targeting relevant keywords and providing valuable information to your audience.
  • Style : Informative, conversational, or authoritative, depending on the subject.
  • Word Count : 600 to 1,500 words per post.

Best Practices :

  • Focus on topics that interest your target audience.
  • Optimize for SEO with relevant keywords and links.
  • Use engaging headlines to attract clicks.

Benefits of Professionally Written Website Content:

  • SEO Optimization : Well-written website content with proper keywords helps improve search engine rankings.
  • Increased Conversions : Clear, persuasive content encourages visitors to take action.
  • Branding & Voice : Consistent content across pages reinforces the brand’s voice and identity.
  • Engagement : Quality content keeps users on the site longer and improves user experience.
  • Trust-Building : Well-crafted content can establish authority and trust with potential customers.

Blog Writing

Blog Writing is a vital component of content marketing that helps businesses engage their audience, boost SEO, and establish authority within their industry. Blog posts can cover a wide range of topics, from industry trends and how-to guides to product insights and company news, all with the aim of providing value to the reader

Key Elements of Blog Writing:

1) Engaging Titles and Headlines 

Purpose : The headline is the first thing readers and search engines see. It should be compelling enough to grab attention and entice people to click.

Best Practices

  • Keep it under 70 characters.
  • Include keywords naturally.
  • Use numbers, questions, or power words (e.g., “Best,” “Ultimate Guide,” “How to”).

2) Introduction 

Purpose : Hook the reader with an engaging introduction that explains what the post will cover and why it’s valuable.

Best Practices :

  • Start with a question, a surprising fact, or a relatable anecdote.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the blog post.
  • Keep it short and concise (100-150 words).

3) Main Body 

Purpose : Provide valuable, detailed content that addresses the reader’s needs, solves a problem, or educates them on a particular topic.

Structure : Use headings and subheadings to break up the content into digestible sections.

Best Practices :

  • Write in a conversational tone.
  • Use short paragraphs and bullet points for readability.
  • Incorporate relevant images, infographics, or videos where necessary.
  • Back up claims with data, examples, or expert opinions.

4) SEO Optimization

Purpose : Ensures the blog post ranks well on search engines, making it easier for potential readers to find it.

Best Practices :

  • Use relevant keywords naturally (avoid keyword stuffing).
  • Optimize meta titles and descriptions.
  • Include internal and external links to improve the blog’s authority and relevance.
  • Add alt text to images.
  • Ensure mobile-friendly formatting.

5) Call-to-Action (CTA)

Purpose : Encourage the reader to take the next step after reading the blog post. This could be subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a guide, or contacting your business.

Best Practices :

  • Tailor the CTA to the content’s goal (e.g., “Learn more,” “Get started,” “Contact us”).
  • Place the CTA strategically within or at the end of the blog post.
  • Use compelling language to make the action clear and enticing.

Benefits of Blog Writing

  • SEO Benefits : Regular blog updates with relevant keywords improve search engine rankings.
  • Increased Traffic : Blog posts can attract organic visitors through search engines and social media sharing.
  • Establish Authority : High-quality, informative blogs position your brand as a leader in your industry.
  • Engage Audience : Blogs give your audience something of value, keeping them coming back for more.
  • Lead Generation : Through CTAs and gated content, blogs can help convert readers into leads.


Blog Writing Best Practices:

  • Consistency : Posting regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) helps build an engaged readership and improves SEO.
  • Tone & Style : Keep the tone conversational and approachable, unless your industry requires a more formal voice.
  • Visuals : Incorporate relevant images, videos, or infographics to enhance engagement.
  • Proofreading : Ensure the content is error-free and polished before publishing.
  • Length : Aim for 600 to 1,500 words, but ensure it’s comprehensive enough to cover the topic thoroughly.


Types of Blog Posts:

  1. How-To Guides

Purpose : Step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish a task or solve a problem.

Example : “How to Create a Winning Content Strategy for Your Business.”

  2. Listicles  

Purpose : Posts structured as a list, often providing multiple tips or examples.

Example : “10 Best Tools for Project Management in 2024.”

  3. News/Trends Posts

Purpose : Posts that cover current events, trends, or changes in your industry.

Example : “The Latest SEO Trends You Need to Know in 2024.”

 4. Case Studies/Success Stories 

Purpose : Showcases how your product or service has helped a client or customer achieve success.

Example : “How Our SEO Strategy Boosted Client X’s Traffic by 300% in 6 Months.”

 5. Opinion/Thought Leadership

Purpose : Offers expert opinions or insights on industry-related topics, helping to establish your brand as an authority.

Example : “Why Sustainability is the Future of Business.”

 6. Interviews/Q&A

Purpose : Engages industry experts, influencers, or customers in a question-and-answer format.

Example : “An Exclusive Interview with John Doe, CEO of ABC Corp.”