PR Agency | SEO | Paid Ads | PR Publications | Web Design |

Features Basic Package Standard Package Professional Package
Price         Rs 999/-


               Rs 1,699/-


              Rs 2,999/-


Number of Listings 5 listing Up to 10 listings Up to 15 listings
Product Title Optimization Optimized title with main keyword ✅ Title optimization & secondary keywords ✅ Advanced title optimization & keyword variations ✅
Bullet Points Optimization Up to 5 bullet points ✅ Up to 7 bullet points with benefits & features ✅ Up to 10 bullet points with persuasive content ✅
Product Description Writing Basic product description ✅ SEO-optimized product description ✅ SEO & A+ content description ✅
Backend Search Terms Optimization Up to 250 characters ✅ Up to 500 characters ✅ Up to 1000 characters ✅
Keyword Research Basic keyword research ✅ Advanced keyword research ✅ Comprehensive keyword analysis & long-tail keywords ✅
Competitor Analysis Competitor product analysis ✅ In-depth competitor analysis with reverse ASIN lookup ✅
Product Image Optimization Basic resizing ✅ Image editing & optimization ✅ Image creation & infographic design ✅
Enhanced Brand Content (A+ Content) Basic A+ content layout ✅ Full A+ content design with infographics ✅
Review & Rating Strategy Basic review strategy ✅ Advanced review & rating improvement strategy ✅
Product Title Split Testing A/B testing of product title & bullet points ✅
HTML Formatting for Description HTML description formatting ✅ Enhanced HTML formatting & embedded images ✅
Product Keyword Tracking Monthly tracking ✅ Bi-weekly tracking ✅ Weekly keyword performance tracking ✅
Inventory Management Tips Basic inventory management tips ✅ Advanced inventory forecasting & management tips ✅
Sponsored Ads Keyword Suggestions Basic PPC keyword suggestions ✅ Advanced keyword list for Sponsored Ads ✅
Sales Rank Monitoring Monthly rank tracking ✅ Weekly sales rank monitoring & optimization ✅
Category Approval Assistance Assistance with category & subcategory approval ✅
Amazon Store Setup (if applicable) Assistance with Amazon store creation ✅
Product Variation Setup Basic variation setup ✅ Full variation setup with child ASIN creation ✅
Inventory File Upload Assistance Assistance with bulk inventory uploads ✅
Sales Performance Reporting Monthly report ✅ Weekly report with insights ✅
Support Email support ✅ Dedicated account support ✅ Priority support with senior manager ✅
Consultation Calls Monthly consultation call ✅ Bi-weekly strategy consultation ✅
Delivery Time Setup within 5 days ✅ Setup within 3 days ✅ Setup within 48 hours ✅